Mini case studies

Designed for all practitioners in health and social care, this collection of 10 case studies shows how evidence can be used in commissioning for ethnic communities to:

  • Raise the profile of BME issues

  • Understand particular needs

  • Design solutions

  • Monitor and create on-going improvement

Short, direct and easy to read taster stories are to be found in our EEiC mini case study book. (PDF, 1.1MB)

The case study book contains short, one page ‘teasers’, linking to more detailed descriptions of the project and background on this website.

The full versions below give more detailed descriptions on how to help overcome common barriers in service design and delivery, and give practical, real-world examples of using evidence in innovative ways.

Awareness of vitamin D deficiency in Liverpool’s Somali community.

Improving access to mental health and related services through shared leadership.

Making the most of what is available - a BME dementia project in Nottingham.

When equality and impact assessments don't make an impact - assessing services and setting priorities.

Packaging information for decision makers to get information to BME communities in Sheffield.

How commissioners can provide space for innovation - the right to request scheme in Bradford and Airedale PCT.

Innovating and growing increasingly inclusive services in Barnsley primary care trust.

Drilling down to gain deep understanding behind a lack of BME involvement in a pilot programme in Coventry.

Evaluation and piloting with third sector providers in Bradford

Raising awareness to reduce ethnic health inequalities in Leeds

We would welcome any comments and feedback on this output. Please let us know if it was helpful, or could be made better.